Wednesday 12 October 2011

5 Surprising Foods That Boost Immunity

5 Surprising Foods That Boost Immunity

You’ve probably heard that orange juice and chicken soup can help kick a cold or combat the flu, but there are less obvious (and more appetizing) mealtime choices that help an ailing immune system. Below are five surprising foods that you might want to toss in your shopping cart the next time you feel a tickle in your throat.

Many yogurts and almost all kefir, a fermented milk product, contain probiotics, the so-called “good” bacteria. These bacteria alter how the immune system in the digestive tract reacts to microorganisms. Studies have found that probiotics can help with diarrhea and other intestinal disorders. Although more research is needed, probiotics may also help reduce the severity of colds and the flu, according to the Mayo Clinic. Opt for the yogurt and kefir that contain live and active probiotics to make sure you’re reaping the benefits of these miracle-workers.

The Surprising Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

Black/Green Tea
A hot cup of tea can help soothe a sore throat and lift spirits, but green and black teas are also a good source of polyphenols, or plant antioxidants, that can help prevent free radical damage in the body. In the lab, compounds in green tea have been shown to inhibit viral replication, which may aid in defending against cold and flu. In addition, a Harvard study found that people who drank five cups of black tea had elevated levels of a compound that can help ward off infections like viruses. The benefits also pertain to decaf black and green teas, so you don’t have to over-caffeinate while loading up on the good stuff.

10 Spices That Improve Your Health


Garlic is indispensible in the kitchen but has recently received widespread attention for its potential in disease-prevention and immune-boosting properties. Although some of the claims are certainly oversold, garlic has shown some promise when it comes to warding off infections. It’s believed that the sulfur-containing compound allicin could function as an antibacterial and antiviral agent. In one study, British researchers found that people who took a garlic supplement regularly were two-thirds less likely to catch a cold than those who took a placebo. The best way to reap garlic’s benefits, however, is consuming it raw or freshly processed.

7 Habits of Happy People

Orange-Fleshed Vegetables

Pumpkins, sweet potatoes, squash, and other orange-fleshed vegetables are high in beta carotene, which the body uses to make Vitamin A. A diet low in beta carotene can suppress the immune system, so stocking up on these fall veggies is a great way to ensure your body has the nutrients it needs. Vitamin A also is important in keeping the skin healthy, which is our body’s first line of defense against disease-causing microorganisms.

3 Tips For Getting the Most out of Your Vegetables

Oysters are definitely not the first thing that comes to mind when a cold or other illness strikes, but the bivalves are a great source of zinc, among other good-for-you nutrients like omega-3s, selenium, and iron. Zinc is important in the development of white blood cells and even a low-to-moderate level of zinc deficiencies can have negative implications for the immune system. Of course, there can be too much of a good thing however: too much zinc can have an adverse effect and inhibit the immune system. Therefore, it’s best to get zinc from a well-rounded diet. In addition to oysters, beef and chicken are good sources.

Abortion;Homeopathic treatment; By, 8 Remedies :

Abortion;Homeopathic treatment; By, 8 Remedies :

 (1)Caulophyllum :

Thalictroides are Spasmodic Dyspepsia, Lactation, Leucorrhoea, Pregnancy, Parturition Affections, Rheumatism.
Caulophyllum Thalictroides is helpful in stomach affections causing spasmodic dyspepsia. Pain in the stomach with spasms. It is also useful in female related problems like amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, or menstrual irregularities. It also helps in labour when there is extraoridinary rigidity of os. Pains of spasmodic nature flying in different directions. It is also helpful in all ailments during pregnancy, parturition and lactation. It also helps in leucorrhoea of little girls which is acrid and excoriating.

It also indicated in rheumatism when there is pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles. Aching in wrists. Pain in flying in nature, migrates from one place to another.

(2)Ferrum Metallicum
Ferrum Metallicum are Anemia, Headache, Menstrual Disorders, Rheumatism, Weakness. 

Ferrum Metallicum has marked action in treating anemia from loss of vital fluid, abuse of quinine. Anemic condition from loss of blood especially from haemorrhage. Due to anemia patient is pale and waxy, muscles becomes flabby and relaxed. Dropsical condition of skin which pits on pressure. Skin is pale and waxy yet face shows appearance of plethora. Rapid exertion or motion brings on weakness, dysnoea, sinking and fainting. Pains and sufferings comes during rest. Patient is better by moving around gently in the house or in open air. Extreme paleness of face, lips and mucus membranes. Emaciation, weakness and trembling in frequent attacks.

Ferrum Metallicum also works for periodical headache once in every 2, 3 or 4 days or every 2 or 3 weeks. Pain is hammering, beating or pulsating type. Headache is caused due to loss vital fluid. With headache, there is vertigo with a sensation as if balancing on water, with avertion to eat or drink.

Ferrum Metallicum is indicated in rheumatism of the left shoulder. Pain in the deltoid muscle. Pain is worse from cold and rest and better by slowly moving about.

(3)Plumbum Metallicum
Plumbum Metallicum are Abdominal Disorders, Colic, Constipation, Intestinal obstruction, Muscular Atrophy.
Plumbum Metallicum has a marked action on alimentary disorders, especially colic and constipation. Stomach is unable to digest food. Contracture of stomach with pressure and tightness, gastralgia with constant vomiting. Plumbum Metallicum is useful for painters colic after lead poisoning. The patient cannot sleep in newly painted room. Very sensitive to lead. Colic in and around naval and radiating to all parts of the body. There is a sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn by string to the spine. Pain is neuralgic type and spasmodic in character. Pain starts around naval also radiates upward to chest and downward to pubes. Patient feels like stretching in every direction. There may also be intersussucption with strangulated, inguinal or umblical hernia causing intestinal obstruction along with colic. Colic is better temporarily by hard pressure and rubbing.

Plumbum Metallicum is also a chief remedy for constipation due to paresis of the intestine or from impaction of faeces. Constipation usually during pregnancy. Stool is hard, lumpy, black like sheep dung. Obstructed evacuation from impaction of faeces.

Plumbum Metallicum also helps in muscular atrophy. Extensor muscles affected as in piano players. It also helps in wrist drop. Muscular atrophy from sclerosis of spinal system. Single muscle or a group of muscle affected. The patient cannot raise arm or lift any thing with hand. Excessive and rapid emaciation of the affected part.
Pulsatilla are Acne, Allergies, Amenorrhea, Breast feeding disorders, Breast pain, Bronchitis, Colds, Conjunctivitis, Coughs, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Heartburn, Hemorrhoids, Intermittent fevers, Leucorrhoea, Menstruation abnormal, Nasal catarrh, Ovaries inflammation, PMS, Pregnancy troubles, Prostate inflammation, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Smell loss, Styes, Tapeworm, Toothaches, Varicose veins.
Pulsatilla is a chief remedy for female problems like amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, menstrual abnormalities and pre-menstual syndrome (PMS). All the symptoms are traced to the time of puberty. The patient says she has never been well since puberty. Menses delayed or comes too late. Menses suppressed due to wet feet, nervous debility. There is short duration of menses which is scanty. The menstrual flow is thick and changeable in character. The blood flows, stops and flows again. Flow is worse during day and on walking. Pulsatilla helps in pre-menstrual syndrome when there is vomiting and purging with severe pain across the abdomen which is shifting in nature. Diarrhoea during or after menses. There is also dryness of tongue with no thirst. Pulsatilla is suitable to ladies having fair complexion. Pulsatilla also helps in leucorrhoea which is milky white with swollen vulva. Leucorrhoea is acrid, burning and painless or cutting pain in abdomen. Leucorrhoea corrodes the vulva. Pulsatilla is also useful in threatened abortion. It also helps in expelling moles. Pulsatilla also helps in inflammation of ovaries.

Pulsatilla is also a suitable remedy for nasal catarrh, sinusitis and respiratory problems. Coryza with stoppage of right nostril. There is pressing pain at the root of the nose. Loss of smell with large green fetid discharge from nose. Bad smells as of old catarrhs. Pulsatilla also helps in bronchitis with cough caused by irritation in pit of stomach by taking ice cold things, ice cream, or due to suppressed menses. Cough is spasmodic in two paroxysms. There is expectoration of copious and greenish yellow mucus. There is involuntary urination during cough.

Pulsatilla is also useful in gastric complaints like heartburn, diarrhea, hemorrhoids etc. There is dryness of the mouth without thirst. Bad taste and smell from mouth in the morning. There is loss of taste. Tongue is dry, edge of tongue feels sore. It also helps in toothache which is worse in morning and in warm room. Pulsatilla also helps in nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain or diarrhea caused due to rich fatty food, fruits, ice cream, or worms in children. Nausea with a sensation of worms crawling in throat. Vomiting is green in colour. It is also useful in colic which obliges patient to bend forward. Abdomen is sensitive to touch. During diarrhea no two stools are alike and is worse during night. Pulsatilla also helps in intermittent fevers, cold, conjuntivitis and breast pain.
Pyrogenium are Abscess, Fever With Restlessness, Puerperal Fever, Sepsis, Ulcers.
Pyrogenium has marked action on all types of septic fevers with restlessness. It is well indicated in various types of fevers like typhoid, puerperal fever, ptomaine poisoning or sewer gas infection. Fever caused by any septic condition. Sudden rise of temperature. Skin is dry, burning, pale or cold. Bed feels very hard. The patient is very restless. He must constantly move to get relief from soreness of parts. Chills begins in the back, between the scapulae. Pulse abnormally rapid 140-170/ minute, out of proportion of temperature. Periodically the tongue is clean and smooth, as if varnished and fiery red, large and flabby, dry and cracked. Articulation of tongue is difficult. Pus like taste in the mouth as from abscess.

Pyrogenium is well indicated in sepsis condition. All the discharges are very offensive, such as diarrhoea, vomitus, breath, urine, menstrual blood etc. Pyrogenium also acts as homeopathic antiseptic. Pyrogenium is also very useful in treating ulcers of old persons. Ulcers are very offensive and obstinate. Skin is pale, cold and of ashy hue.
Sabina are Abortion, Leucorrhoea,  Menstrual Disorders, Uterine Pain.
Sabina has marked action on Uterine pain. There is a shooting pain from back to front and from sacrum to pubes with haemorrhages. Sabina also helps in many menstraual disorders like menorrhagia, metrorrhagia or dysmenorrhoea. Menses is too early, too profuse and too long lasting. Flow in paroxyms with bright red, liquid and intermingled with clot that is it is partly fluid and partly clotted. During menses pain from sacrum to pubes which is worse from least motion and ceases when walking about. There is discharge of blood inbetween periods. Sabina also helps in leucorrhoea.

Sabina is also indicated in abortion in those ladies who attain menarche very early in their lives. There is a tendency to miscarriage or abortion at third month with typical shooting pain from sacrum to pubes. During abortion the flow is partly fluid and partly clotted. After the abortion there is inflammation of uterus and ovaries.
(7)Secale Cornutum
Secale Cornutum are Abortion, Congestive Headache, Gastro-intestinal Troubles, Menstrual Disorders, Miscarriage, Skin Affections.
Secale Cornutum is a chief remedy for congestive headache which is passive arising from the back of head with pale face. Head is drawn back. There is also falling of hair. Hair is dry and gray.

Secale Cornutum has marked action on various menstrual disorders. Menses is irregular, long lasting and copious. There is continuous oozing of dark blood until the next period. Secale Cornutum also helps in dysmenorrhoea. Menstrual colic with labour like pain with coldness and intolerance of heat. It also helps in greenish, brownish and offensive leucorrhoea. Secale Cornutum is also indicated in threatened abortion at third month. Abortion caused from lifting, straining and hard labour.

Secale Cornutum is also useful in skin conditions. It helps in dry, senile gangrene following injury with burning as if sparks of fire were falling on parts affected. It is worse from external heat and relieved by cold application inspite of coldness of the parts. Secale Cornutum also helps in large ecchymosis and blood blisters. Skin feels cold to touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate any covering. Icy coldness of the extremities. Skin is pale, with sunken eyes and blue rings around the eyes.

Secale Cornutum also helps in gastro-intestinal troubles. Abdomen is very sensitive to touch with burning sensation all over the abdomen. There is unnatural ravenous appetite even with exhausting diarrhoea. There is craving for acids and lemonade, desires bread and undiluted wine. Vomiting of bilious matter, mucus, dark brown, coffee ground fluid or all the food and drink. Secale Cornutum also helps in diarrhoea with icy coldness of the parts. Profuse, watery, painless, involuntary, stool passes with great force.
Sepia are Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhea, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual Disorders, Mental Conditions.
Sepia is a chief remedy for various menstrual disorders and dysmenorrhea. Sepia is indicated in late, early, scanty, profuse menses. It also helps in amenorrhoea that is absence of menses. The first menses may be too late or too early. The menses is irregular in every form, with dark flow in the morning. With menses there is a bearing down sensation. Pain comes from back to front, especially in those females who are highly chilly and have a weeping disposition.  Sepic is also indicated in leucorrhoea. Yellowish, greenish discharge with much itching. Acrid leucorrhoea before menses causing soreness of the pudenda.

Sepia also manifests typical mental conditions. The patient is extremely nervous. Indifference to every thing, to her own occupation, to members of her family whom she loved best once, to her own domestic and personal affairs. The patient cannot narrate her symptoms without weeping. She is anxious and fearful. The patient cannot bear tobacco in any form. Consolation aggravates her mental condition.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Difficult breathing while lying down; (Orthopnea)

Breathing difficulty while lying down is an abnormal condition in which a person must keep the head raised (by sitting or standing) to be able to breathe deeply or comfortably.
A specific type of breathing difficulty while lying down is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. This condition causes a person to wake up suddenly during the night feeling short of breath.


This is a common complaint in people with some types of heart or lung problems. Sometimes the problem is subtle. People may only notice it when they realize that sleep is more comfortable with lots of pillows under their head, or their head in a propped-up position.


Home Care

Your health care provider may prescribe treatment for breathing difficulty while lying down. The treatment will depend on the specific illness causing the problem.
Weight loss is generally recommended in people who are obese.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

If you have any unexplained difficulty in breathing while lying down, call for an appointment with your health care provider.

What to Expect at Your Office Visit

The health care provider will perform a physical examination and take your medical history.
Medical history questions may include:
  • Did this problem develop suddenly or slowly?
  • Is it getting worse (progressive)?
  • How bad is it?
  • How many pillows do you need to help you breathe comfortably?
  • Is there any ankle, feet, and leg swelling?
  • Do you have difficulty breathing at other times?
  • How tall are you? How much do you weigh?
  • What other symptoms do you have?
The physical examination will include special attention to the heart and lungs (cardiovascular and respiratory systems).
Diagnostic tests that may be performed include the following:
         Pulmonary function tests
You may need to receive supplemental oxygen.
 source; Treament ;

Saturday 8 October 2011

Banana Nutrition Facts

Banana Nutrition Facts

The banana is called the "the fruit of the wise." It contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body.
Bananas were first found in the region of Malaysia. With the help of curious visitors, bananas found their way to India, Buddhist Pali writings dating back to the 6th century B.C. support this fact. It was Alexander the Great who brought the banana back with him to the western world. Bananas were grown in the southern region of China but only became popular with the masses around the 20th century.
Americans first tasted the banana almost three hundred and fifty years later. At that time, they were wrapped in tin foil and sold for 10 cents each at the celebration held in Pennsylvania in 1876, to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Instructions on how to eat the banana also appeared in the Domestic Cyclopaedia of Practical Information.

Banana Nutrition Facts
  • A banana contains Vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber.
  • Bananas do not contain sodium, fat or cholesterol.
  • The Vitamin C, which is found in bananas, helps the body to defend and heal against infections. This vitamin also proves valuable in the synthesis of the connective tissue, absorption of iron and the formation of blood.
  • Not only are bananas rich in vitamin C, they also contain potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps in the building of muscles and protein synthesis. This is done as potassium stimulates nerve impulses for muscle contraction.
  • A diet rich in potassium is said to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke. As bananas are free from sodium and very rich in potassium, they can be included in the diet to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Bananas contain three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose along with fiber. A banana thus gives an instant and substantial boost of energy.
  • A banana contains Vitamin B6, which helps in the synthesis of antibodies in the immune system apart from red blood formation, protein metabolism and functioning of the central nervous system.
  • No other fruit contain more digestible carbohydrates than bananas. This is advantageous because, the body burns off calories from carbohydrate more easily and quickly than calories from fat or protein.
Interesting Facts About Bananas
  • The word banana is derived from the Arab word "banan," which means finger.
  • Bananas are harvested green because they keep ripening even after they are picked.
  • Unlike most other fruits that grow on trees, bananas grow on plants.
  • An average American is said to consume more than 28 pounds of bananas every year.
  • Brisbane holds the world record for the longest banana split, which measured 7.3 kilometers.
  • 3 medium bananas would weigh about a pound.
  • Despite that fact that bananas love a tropical climate, they are grown in Iceland too, by heating the soil with geysers.

Friday 7 October 2011

Cardiac diseases

Cardiac diseases are also known as heart diseases. Cardiac diseases is a very broad term for a number of conditions that affect the heart and as of 2007, it is the one of the leading cause of death in England, Wales and the United States.
The most leading cause of cardiac disease is a narrowing of the lumen of arteries which supply blood to the heart, commonly called coronary artery disease (CAD).
There are various other heart conditions that come under the umbrella of cardiac diseases.
Types of Cardiac Disease

  Cardiovascular diseases
A number of conditions that affect the heart itself or any of the arteries or veins leading to and from the heart are called cardiovascular diseases. Long studies have suggested that women are more prone to conditions that affect the blood vessels themselves while men are more prone to conditions that affect the heart muscles. Most common conditions that cause cardiovascular diseases are:
a) High blood pressure
b) Diabetes
c) Increased fats (lipids) in blood
d) Hyperhomocysteinemia

The most common type of cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis.
* Coronary heart disease
A disease of the heart itself where the arteries supplying the heart muscles are clogged by atheromatous plaques.
An atheroma is a collection or a swelling on the vessel wall composed of fats, cell debris, calcium, connective fibrous tissues etc.

a) Angina - chest pain due to insufficient blood supply to the heart

'Ischemic heart disease', is another term used to denote a condition where blood supply to the heart is reduced.
Homeopathic treatment;

Raised blood pressure

Raised blood pressure is labeled as hypertension. In realism, blood pressure of an individual tends to increase with advancing age. So, term hypertension will be used when blood pressure exceeds the normal range for a particular age group. Unattended blood pressure can lead to a number of serious complications including stroke, heart diseases, kidney failure, etc.
Hypertension is very common in general population. However, in 95% of cases a specific underlying cause of hypertension cannot be pointed out. This hypertension is labeled as essential hypertension and is believed to be related to genetic and heredity factors. There are multiple factors that increase chances of hypertension significantly: Age, Obesity, High levels of body fats (cholesterol), Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking, Food (more salt intake), Life-style factors (lack of exercise, lack of sleep, mental stress, etc). There is a very small group of cases where hypertension is a result of some specific disease condition in the body and is labeled as secondary hypertension.

It can be easily perceived that hypertension is a constitutional disorder as constitutional defect (genetic factors) is at the base of it and the disorder itself has impact on entire constitution of an individual. While treating hypertension, the treatment needs to be planned to focus at a root level: to affect the genetic tendency.Homeopathic treatment does that precisely.;

Homeopathy can play major role in management of essential or secondary hypertension. Timely administered homeopathy medicines can assist in preventing further complications of condition. Life-style modification with moderate exercise, weight reduction, salt restriction can enhance the benefits of homeopathy.

Early cases of hypertension respond to homeopathy much better than those late cases who are already on some antihypertensive medicines for long period of time. Again, homeopathy is not best suited during the acute hypertensive crisis. Homoeopath is best for resistant cases who have not responded to the conventional treatment.

 Homeopathic treatment;

Valvular heart disease

 Valvular heart disease:
Valves are flap-like structure present at the openings of the atria into the ventricles, and at the openings into the large blood vessels arising from the heart. They prevent the back-flow of the blood as it passes (or is pumped) through the heart chambers. Any structural abnormalities of these valves bring about multifold changes in the dynamics of blood flow.
Common terms for valvular defects seen are:
a) Stenosis: or narrowing of the lumen because the valves do not open properly. This means that the heart has to pump with added force to make the blood pass through the lumen.
b) Atresia: this defect means that the valves do not develop correctly. They are ill-formed and mostly the lumen appears completely closed. So there is no opening from which the blood can pass through.
c) Regurgitation: here the valves do not close properly. Hence, there is regurgitation or back-flow of the blood pumped, into the cambers.
The most common valvular defect encountered is: Pulmonary valve stenosis.
Through this valve, the blood flows from the right ventricle to the lungs where it picks up oxygen. When the valve is stenosed, the severity ranges from mild to severe. Mild forms require no treatment. Just occasionally, an abnormal heart sound (murmur) can be heard. Correction of the condition when necessary, it done by a catheter procedure.
Homeopathic Treatment;